Thursday, October 31, 2019

Definition of honor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Definition of honor - Essay Example Concept Honor is a gesture or an attitude that others display for an individual for all the deeds and accomplishments that is earned or procured for the endeavor that is beyond the scope of a common man. It is an immense pride that any group of individuals or any nation exhibits towards the undertakings performed. Honor is an encouragement for others, an ethos and own confrontation clinched by any nation to recommend for all the actions that has made the result in its favor, may it be war where the bravery has turned the consequences in favor of the nation. May it be any sports accomplishment or any research that has brought glory to the nation in front of the entire world. A statement of belief or faith that a parents who worth the conception of reputation and examination would be lawfully conceited to comprise, a son or daughter entrust to (A Concept of Honor). Honor is also institutional that is regulated by the rules that one has to abide by. This Code of Honor should never be vi olated. The Code is equally applicable to all the laws and orders that any nation prescribes. Infringement of these laws is considered as a misconduct, such behavior brings defame or dishonor to any nation or an organization. These acts could be criminal or scandals that is against the set rules and regulations. Violations of laws are accountable to punishment, retributions or expulsions (A Concept of Honor). Thus, honor also encompasses an enormous pact of tasks. These responsibilities are being taught, guided and evaluated over the time as the providence of any organization or a country relies upon set guidelines. To receive and act dependably as well as sensibly is a great deal of responsibility. These principled as well as forfeited actions bring nobility to the institution. To procure graciousness and dignity for any nation it becomes imperative for every individual to work conscientiously and meticulously within the frames and parameters of the nation's rules and regulations. It is obvious that if any individual does wrong then it directly affects that pride of the organization (A Concept of Honor). It could be understood that by means of cultural unfairness or discriminations or by sustaining dual standards, conceit of the nation is influenced. It is imperative that for the sake of honor of any organization such strokes should be evaded. There could be a variety of condone to keep the spirits of the employees at a high pace and to let them enjoy the freedom of work. This not only promotes confidence and support in favor of the nation or the organization but also brings rewards and honor for the institution (A Concept of Honor). Rewards and honor could not be forced but they are self- generated by means of actions and the feeling of belongingness that an individual possess for the nation. Unless, this feeling of belongingness is generated from within, honor of any form can never be procured. This feeling is essential for the safety of nation and to eradi cate terrorism from its roots. It is observed that in some of the developing as well as developed nations women are highly ill-treated and there is little wages for their hardships. This could not bring any honor to the nation. It is therefore essential that both men and women work in co-ordination and respect for each other to bring pride, appreciation, magnificence and glory to the nation (Honor). Conclusion In social perspectives it is

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Security Risks Associated With VoIP Implementation Research Paper

Security Risks Associated With VoIP Implementation - Research Paper Example Part 2 gives detailed descriptions of the testing or test cases. Part 3 discusses groups that will be affected by the tests. Part 4 discusses those who will be involved with testing. Part 5 discusses how results will be assessed. Part 6 gives the changes that will be made as a result of the testing. Part 7 discusses how to test the security risks in the 250K company. Chapter 4 gives the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations. Many businesses internationally have applied Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as a substitute for the traditional Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) as stated by Ransome and Rittinghouse (2005, pp. 278-302). The improvement of VoIP offers a wide range of advantages ranging from saving of cost, efficiency in staff operations to offering improved shopping encounter for customers. These benefits go a long way in enhancing a business' competence and offers market leadership and dominance. Business management may be able to expand its competitive advantage by making use of the benefits that VoIP offers while considering some risks that should be dealt with by giving remedies and avoiding them altogether. The management of these risks is in the end the onus of the company management. These risks may range from compromising of high quality delivery, controlling of expenses that are security related to call hijacking among others. It is important to appreciate here that these risks offer huge drawbacks to business performance and their mitigation is a key factor that requires a great deal of management's attention. The paper is aimed at providing management with insight into what the risks of VoIP are. 1.2 Situational analysis In business, it is the task of the management to deploy, coordinate, allocate and combine inputs or resources in such a way that the goals of the organization are achieved as effectively as possible (Wallingford, 2005, pp. 245-263). In a business these resources are categorized into information, physical, human and financial resources. The former is quickly becoming one of the most important of the resources. The information resource consists of organized or processed data. The value of the information resource can also play a role in providing a business with a significant competitive advantage. Businesses are currently operating in the information era, wherein quality of information can establish the difference between successful and unsuccessful ventures. The factors that contribute to the quality of information have consequently become increasingly important. Completeness, timeliness, relevance and accuracy are, among other things, attributes of good quality information. Good qua lity information is communicated to the appropriate users before it is regarded as useful or valuable. Communication is the manner in which information is made accessible to other users, whereas telecommunications is the digital transmission of data or information from one terminal to another in terms of function and sophistication (Wallingford, 2005, pp. 245-263). Basic ways of communication include the use of telephones and fax. According to Wallingford (2005, pp. 245-263) the machines used in communication vary, whereby more technologically advanced and newer methods of communication

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Women oppressed religion of christianity

Women oppressed religion of christianity Women are oppressed by the religion of Christianity This essay will attempt to explain some of the most important points related to oppression of women in Christianity. Clearly we can say that women in the old testament for generations waited to see the distinctive child, whose birth well planned before creation began, would bring a change to their life. They sacrificed their own necessity hopping that the promised Saviour would bring them away from suffering. So when the Christ arrived, was everything that women hoped for? Was the world Christmas baby worth to wait for? What would His come mean for women? And how would the promised saviour treat women? Limitations themselves are always shifting, and so the arguments over teachings and opinion are used as a channel into the progression of a cultural construction which characterize both aspect religious and cultural. Definitely the dogma of submission has alleviated over time ,but for many Christians the long-established tradition , still have some issue; at one side we find those who regards male guidance in marriage as largely symbolic and who consent women to partake in church assembly and leadership .At the other side we find those who clearly underline the diversity between man and women in almost every aspect of life . Jesus himself never label women. A womans importance is never determined by her , motherly, domestic or femininity functions, but by her connection with God. On one occasion ; a woman shouted out, Blessed is the woman who gave you birth and look after you. Jesus replied, Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and follow it. Definitely Jesus in every day talking, dealing, treating and caring of women is not only a perfect example of loving and respectful attitudes toward women. He left behind a delicate statement of who women are and how they should be treated. In the Gospel we find more then twenty episode in witch Jesus interact with women ,and also many of His teachings regards women daily doings ,such as backing bread ,housekeeping, shopping, pregnancy, breast feeding, so He would not disregard women at all. (Rebecca Jones pp116,118.) Jesus consistently uses women as examples of virtue. He also permits a woman to stay and listen to His teaching sit by his feet (Luke 10:39)-place usually taken by disciples. We have to say that Jewish priest or teachers of the law did not permit women disciples; certainly, Jesus followers often did send women out on the preaching missions ( Mark 6:7—13)probably confirmed scandalous from the cultural society of those years ; nonetheless, the ministry of Jesus and his Gospel confirm that women were involved throughout His life .Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna had a major rule in His childhood, amongst the thirty miracles recorded in the Gospel , over ten had focal point on women .They journeyed with Him even out into the wildernesses (cf. Origen,Adv. Cel.3.10), and would participate at most of Jesus teachings and ministry events .Women were present at the fit of the Cross and again the first to the tomb (Mt 28.1) also the first that the angels spoke with at the tomb (Mt 28.5) And of course is coming on earth became possible through the acceptance of a virgin ,Mary was not forced to accept God will ,and yet God became a man thanks to a woman .Then we find the first public miracle of Jesus was through intercession of a woman (His mother) ,which for many Christians ,is the female doorway through whom they familiarise with the divine. A woman that can be looked at , as chief, since she was a compassionate woman, she was a devoted follower, she did put everything she had at risk , and of course a kind-hearted mother, she lost her own son, and for many people a model of a very strong human being, a woman to be admired and to identify with . So clearly Jesus did teach women liberally, and from time to time in Rabbinical manner ( Luke 10.38-42). His approach were very unique and different from the Jewish traditions. In the Talmud, is stated , there is no knowledge in a woman , it is better that the script of the Law should be on fire, than that they have to be passed to a women .Jesus clearly separate himself from those religious tradition when he talks and teach to women and integrated them ,among his followers. Then how can we say, that His teachings and ministry brought women to the verge of oppression? We can prove that sun after Jesus death ,all His teaching started having some changing, immediately, with Saint Paul only few years after, we find the first discrimination about women , Two passages in Pauls letters appear to disagree with an approval of women in ministry. First, Paul instruct women to be quiet and keep their questions concerning the faith ,for their husbands at home (1 Corinthians 14:34—36),and then in 1 Timothy 2:11—15, Paul forbade women to instruct or use influence over men ,of course Paul really thought ,that the . husband should be as head of his wife and that she should been submitted to him, So the apostle Paul would not consent a woman to teach or to employ authority over a man. And again we find Pauls argument about Eves deception witch is even more likely to fit this category. So the deception of Eva excludes all women from teaching, and have words of authority in the new born church He claims, that women are more easily mislead than men which are probably considered by Paul far more superior then women ,that is way most likely God created first Adam ,story well reported in the genesis . On the other hand, pattern from church account cannot resolve the matter; we should establish our position from Scripture. since the current discussion is to be found especially about Pauls teaching, so we should examine his letters and come to a true conclusion . Paul received both the Judaic traditions and Jesus understanding as Gods Word, we have to analyse womens ministry and position on those basis. The ancient close by Eastern world, of which Israel was a fraction, was a mans territory . Since God gave the blessing to Israel in a particular culture, nevertheless, the fact suggest that the society itself was holy. The way of life included divorce, polygamy, slavery , and many of other way we now identify as unholy. The obedience of the wife to the husband would go without problem as the centre of a social cultural environment in which was founded the family order. Without doubt The first Christians were blamed of starting a new ideology revolutionizing what for century was the rule and tradition, so probably Paul required to give a message and show that Christians were not anarchists. Regarding Paul himself, we should answer the above suppositions saying ; Are those the teaching of a man with problems? or Paul was simply a misogynist ?perhaps he was amongst those who would not permit woman to teach or to employ authority over a man because he could not stand the idea of it ?.But if we look at Pauls background we can understand that he was a Pharisee ,so a man educated an grown according to Jewish rules and traditions, were relations between men and women were subjected to the lows .for example If a man would only lay a hand on a woman in the wrong time of the month he could get ritually impure himself, or ,along with every day prayers performed by Jewish men were some phrase such as ; Blessed Thou hart , o God because you did not created me a woman. So Paul grew up in a certain way of concerning women, and some of the comments he makes about women are definitely according to the law which he grow up with and those supposition could be easily be ascribed to his own background. Definitely with Paul women were complete constituent of the ministry, fully involved in the life of the new church ,and in need of his advice, support , amendment, and spiritual help as the men. For example in the baptismal formula used by Paul in Galatians 3:27-8: For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. We could look at different aspect ,for instance ,Paul mostly depended on women to help him in his teaching, and he shows that trough words of gratitude to them in his letters, by name he refers to Phoebe, a deaconess, who â€Å"has been a helper of many and of myself as well† (Romans 16:2 ), Euodia and Syntyche in Philippians who, he says, â€Å"laboured side by side with me in the gospel.† If he really despised marriage, would he have spoken so warmly and repeatedly of the couple Prisca and Aquila, whom he referred to as â€Å"my fellow workers in Christ Jesus who risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I, but also all the churches of the Gentiles give thanks.† (Romans 16:3-4) So is clearly showed that ,not only women are not the inferior gender when it comes to creation, but also in Christs church. Galatians 3:28 says.So in both, creation and church they are equally important .And no were we will find in the holy scripture, a phrase stating that women were inferior then man Genesis â€Å"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them† Starting from the very begin ,we will find out that creation without women would have been terribly different , in the genesis ; The LORD God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. So immediately we find that the woman was necessary to improve the situation . She was in Gods plan ,deliberately created to be a co-worker with the Adam. The method of creation of Eve occupied a full involvement of the natureshe was formed from the same substance ( essentially and numerically) as the man, So the Woman was part of the original plan , was created at same image of God, was sovereign above the creation, with the man , was blessed by God, was given joint- accountability by God ,and was commanded rule and fill the earth with the man .If we take a look at historical passages to Christianity amazingly we will find a well-built picture of the women:They were essential to make the creation good (Gen 1.26-28) They shared joint liability with man to co-rule/fill the earth. (Gen 1.26-2) And more then fifty other episode in which women were prime part of Gods plan . regardless of the men status in ancient Israelite cultural society God occasionally called women as influential leader . When Josiah required to hear the word of God , he did send Hilkiah the cleric and others to someone who was certainly one of the main important prophet of his day: Huldah ( Kings 22:12—20). Deborah was a prophetess and a judge (Judges 4). She assumed a position of great influence in Israel . She was also amongst the few judges of whom the Bible reports no disappointment (Judges 4,5). The issue of a womans function in Christianity is a serious alarm for todays church. It is vital , in view of the fact that our necessity for the spiritual gifts of all the members that God has call to serve His Church. The alarm, nevertheless, is extending further than the Church itself progressively more ,year by year , and consequently material theorist attack Christianity as not in favour of women and as a result inappropriate to the modern world. So where democracy is established, and religion has separated from politics , some changing are needed ,and for sure some changing are taking place Bibliography Rebecca Jones, 2007- Does Christianity squash women ? published by Broadman and Holman,2005 -pp 116,118 Biblical resource .

Friday, October 25, 2019

Comparison of Michelangelo8217s and Bernini8217s Davids Essay example -

Comparison of Michelangelo8217s and Bernini8217s Davids â€Å"The greatest artist has no conception which a single block of marble does not potentially contain within its mass, but only a hand obedient to the mind can penetrate to this image.† Michelangelo describes in the above quote what it is like to carve a likeness of a person out of a large block of marble. As we know from seeing his work, he did an excellent job with this task. Bernini did just as fine a job on his, but in a much different way as you will see in the following pages. Michelangelo Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, Italy, a tiny village, owned by the nearby city-state of Florence. His father was the mayor. He attended school in Florence, but he was preoccupied by art. When he was 13, his father agreed to apprentice him to some well-known painters in Florence. Michelangelo was unsatisfied with these artists, because they would not teach him their artistic secrets. He went to work under another sculptor hired by Lorenzo de Medici. When Michelangelo was 21, he went to Rome, where he was commissioned to carve a group of marble statues showing the Virgin Mary supporting the dead Christ on her knees. His sculpture was called Madonna Della Pieta, and it made Michelangelo famous. A few years later, in 1501, he accepted a commission for a statue of David. He took on the challenge of carving this beautiful work out of a â€Å"huge oblong chunk of pure white unflawed Carrara marble – some 18 feet high and weighing several tons - that had been badly block out and then abandoned by an earlier sculptor† (Coughlan 85). This piece had always fascinated Michelangelo, but neither he, nor anyone else, could think of what to carve from it, until now (Coughlan 85). Thus began a new era in art, the High Renaissance. He began carving this statue for the city of Florence. It would become a symbol of this city, â€Å"a city willing to take on all comers in defense of its liberty† (Coughlan 91). The statue acquired this meaning by the way Michelangelo depicted this biblical character. Instead of presenting us with the winner of the battle, with the giant’s head at his feet and a sword in his hand like Donatello did many years before, he portrays David right before the battle begins. David is in the moment where his people are hesitating and Goliath is mocking him. He is placed... ...that will live on forever, just as their names and sculptures will. Works Cited Ceysson, Bernard. Sculpture: The Great Tradition of Sculpture from the Fifteenth Century to the Eighteenth Century. New York: Rizzloi International Publications, Inc, 1987. Coughlan, Robert. The World of Michelangelo:1475-1564. New York: Time-Life Books, 1966. Gilbert, Creighton. Michelangelo. New York: McGraw-Hill Books Co, 1967. Hartt, Frederick. Michelangelo: The Complete Sculpture. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Heusinger, Lutz. The Library of Great Masters: Michelangelo. New York: Riverside Book Co, 1989. Janson, H. W. History of Art. 4th ed. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1991. Keutner, Herbert. Sculpture Renaissance to Rococo: A History of Western Sculpture. Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society, 1969. Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1995. Wallace, Robert. The World of Bernini: 1598-1680. New York: Time-Life Books, 1970. Comparison of Michelangelo8217s and Bernini8217s Davids Essay example - Comparison of Michelangelo8217s and Bernini8217s Davids â€Å"The greatest artist has no conception which a single block of marble does not potentially contain within its mass, but only a hand obedient to the mind can penetrate to this image.† Michelangelo describes in the above quote what it is like to carve a likeness of a person out of a large block of marble. As we know from seeing his work, he did an excellent job with this task. Bernini did just as fine a job on his, but in a much different way as you will see in the following pages. Michelangelo Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, Italy, a tiny village, owned by the nearby city-state of Florence. His father was the mayor. He attended school in Florence, but he was preoccupied by art. When he was 13, his father agreed to apprentice him to some well-known painters in Florence. Michelangelo was unsatisfied with these artists, because they would not teach him their artistic secrets. He went to work under another sculptor hired by Lorenzo de Medici. When Michelangelo was 21, he went to Rome, where he was commissioned to carve a group of marble statues showing the Virgin Mary supporting the dead Christ on her knees. His sculpture was called Madonna Della Pieta, and it made Michelangelo famous. A few years later, in 1501, he accepted a commission for a statue of David. He took on the challenge of carving this beautiful work out of a â€Å"huge oblong chunk of pure white unflawed Carrara marble – some 18 feet high and weighing several tons - that had been badly block out and then abandoned by an earlier sculptor† (Coughlan 85). This piece had always fascinated Michelangelo, but neither he, nor anyone else, could think of what to carve from it, until now (Coughlan 85). Thus began a new era in art, the High Renaissance. He began carving this statue for the city of Florence. It would become a symbol of this city, â€Å"a city willing to take on all comers in defense of its liberty† (Coughlan 91). The statue acquired this meaning by the way Michelangelo depicted this biblical character. Instead of presenting us with the winner of the battle, with the giant’s head at his feet and a sword in his hand like Donatello did many years before, he portrays David right before the battle begins. David is in the moment where his people are hesitating and Goliath is mocking him. He is placed... ...that will live on forever, just as their names and sculptures will. Works Cited Ceysson, Bernard. Sculpture: The Great Tradition of Sculpture from the Fifteenth Century to the Eighteenth Century. New York: Rizzloi International Publications, Inc, 1987. Coughlan, Robert. The World of Michelangelo:1475-1564. New York: Time-Life Books, 1966. Gilbert, Creighton. Michelangelo. New York: McGraw-Hill Books Co, 1967. Hartt, Frederick. Michelangelo: The Complete Sculpture. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Heusinger, Lutz. The Library of Great Masters: Michelangelo. New York: Riverside Book Co, 1989. Janson, H. W. History of Art. 4th ed. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1991. Keutner, Herbert. Sculpture Renaissance to Rococo: A History of Western Sculpture. Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society, 1969. Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1995. Wallace, Robert. The World of Bernini: 1598-1680. New York: Time-Life Books, 1970.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Home Rehab Day at Tymco

During the rehab, the staff members from different units at Tymco became better acquainted. First, everyone in this activity shared ideas and took responsibility for what they were expert on. Second, they trusted each group to work on different things. At last, the case also provides evidence that people worked in Tymco who came from different units worked a lot with each other rather than worked with people from their own discipline.For example, Boudreau, the supervisor of technical documentation, worked with Benito from translation services and Jenkins from technical training, but not just worked with his own discipline workmates. Team spirit grows The home rehab day really gave a boost to team spirit. We can see that each member accepted assigned or self-appointed responsibility. They also discovered strengths and weakness. Only two days, they finished rehab the house. They worked well together. The ten participants painting the house together toward the end of the project showed that teamwork was developing.At the end of the day, they exchanged smiles, high fives and hugs [1], and received positive feedback from the family. Problems in the house rehab day At the end of the day, Ian, a staff from the technical manual group, commented that replacing shingles having no particular impact on becoming a better team player. Ian’s comment was valid on both sides: fixing shingles didn’t fix relationships, and also valid because fixing that shingle couldn’t consider you a team player.I agree with Ian’s comment because before we can have a better team player, it takes time to build up some bonds in order to get to work together. Maria and Cortez can’t really expect that a 2-days activity would change members’ perspective of working in a group. In my opinion, these kinds of activities should take place regularly maybe once a month. Also, the case mentioned that employees have actually never have lunch together, so maybe if they do that too, the relationship between them will be better.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Components of Fitness Coursework

The health of someone is the state of mental, physical and social well being they are in. Most people think of health as a person who has or hasn't got a disease and illness. There are two main types of fitness that make up the way a person is, these are: physical fitness and motor fitness. Getting your fitness to its maximum and maintaining it is a very important and often difficult as it requires a lot of thought, time and effort. Athletes who over-train their bodies become weaker and are more likely to get diseases and illnesses. The components of physical fitness are reaction time, power, agility, balance, flexibility and co-ordination. The meaning of strength is â€Å"the ability to exert a force against a resistance†. An example of this is the strength needed by a weight lifter to lift a 200kg barbell. Mariusz Pudzianowski , the world's strongest man champion of 2008, has to train himself to lifting extremely heavy things such as cars, people, etc. some body builders also take steroids to improve their performance in many sports. This is considered illegal and the sports person that does this is disqualified from the sport they have taken part in. There are 3 different types of strength. The types of strength are: * Maximum strength – the greatest force that is possible in a single maximum contraction * Elastic strength – the ability to overcome a resistance with a fast contraction * Strength endurance – the ability to express force many times over Flexibility is the ability to perform a joint action through a variety of movement. The objective of flexibility training is to improve the range of movement a person can perform. In any movement there are two groups of muscles at work: * The main muscles which cause the movement to take place * opposing the movement and determining the amount of flexibility are the opposed muscles Alina Kabaeva is one of the world's most famous Russian athletes for being very flexible and is Russia's most successful gymnast. She improves her skills by training with her coach and by increasing the body joints to its full performance. Endurance is a muscle's ability to perform a maximum stamina time after time. An example of this is when somebody runs a race and is able to keep going from the start to the end. The objective of endurance is to develop stamina in a person's body for a long period of time. Speed is the quickness of movement. This is used in all types of sports in tackling and running. Speed is one of the main components of fitness. Sprinting is also included in speed. Sprinting is when a person uses all the energy they have left in them to increase their speed drastically. This is usually used at the end of a race after staying at a steady pace to save energy. Usain Bolt, the world's fastest man since the Olympics 2008 has been able to train himself to run at extreme speeds through various types of training, a healthy lifestyle and body composition In fitness, body composition describes the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in a person's body. Because muscle tissue takes up less space in our body than fat, both our body composition and our weight, determines the body composition. For example, if an obese person was to race an athlete that was in a healthy state, the person with more weight would lose because there is too much fat compared to his or her bone and muscle. Co-ordination is the ability to carry out a group of movements smoothly and efficiently. All sports need the coordination of eyes, hands and feet. Racket sports like tennis involve all coordination's of hands, eyes and feet. There are a few drills which can improve your hand-eye co-ordination like catching tennis balls in none hand for a minute and then changing hands. You can practice them on your own or with someone else but keep concentrating and you'll notice the difference. Tim Henman, Great Britain's number one tennis player has to do drills like this daily to improve his hand-eye co-ordination. Balance is the ability to control the body's position, either stationary or while moving. If this is done correctly, a person will be able to complete a series of moves without falling. Balance is usually used in sports like gymnastics or athletics. Sally Gunnell is an athlete that improves her balance by improving her motor skills. Another way to improve your balance is by improving posture. If this is done well, There could be a great improvement in balance. Agility is the ability to perform a series of explosive power movements in rapid succession in opposing directions. In various fields of sports competition, the body is constantly asked to perform movements from unfamiliar joint angles. If these are done correctly, the body is able to respond quickly to different angles that are needed in sporting events. An example for a sport that involves agility is athletics or on a trampoline. You can improve your agility by practicing the movements in training. An athlete that needs this for their profession is Dame Kelly Holmes Power is the ability to do strength performances quickly using almost all of your energy and normally with heavy things. The main parts of the body used in the process are the arm muscles as well as the legs to help the person balance themselves. Power is mainly used in sports involving lifting things that are heavy such as the hammer throw in the Olympics. An athlete that has done this in the Olympics is Alex Smith. The final component for skill related fitness is reaction time. This is the time taken to respond to a stimulus. An example would be reacting to the starting pistol at the start of a 100m race. It important in many sports and activities and depends on the nervous system mostly. This can be improved through practice or training. Different people have different reaction times because of the nervous system. A person with good reaction time is Usain Bolt. Alcohol, smoking and drugs all affect a sports performer's lifestyle in negative ways. George Best died of liver failure because of his drinking problems and this ruined his life before as well. It earlier stopped him from playing football before he had a transplant. Some people use steroid pills, gels, creams, or injections because they think steroids can improve their sports performance or the way they look. Nathan Allen was banned from the Olympic gamed this year because of the steroid pills she took to enhance her performance. She has been banned for two years. This type of drug abuse can get a person banned from any sport there if it is found out. There have been many top athletes who smoke. Zinedine Zidane, a famous French football player caused a small gossip when he was photographed before an important 2006 World Cup game smoking a cigarette. Smoking can wreck your lungs and reduce oxygen available for muscles used during sports. They also run slower and can't run as far, affecting overall athletic performance. This affects people's performance in a negative way as it could possibly end their career. Despite all the tobacco use on TV and in different types of media, no athlete does smoke as it could change their lives completely by making them lose all fame and fortune! Many athletes sleep poorly during the night before a major competition or after crossing several time zones to compete, but most athletes aren't sure exactly how this loss of sleep will affect their performances. One problem in figuring out how no sleep influences exercise ability and scientists or doctors don't completely understand sleep itself. Too much sleep is not good for you but neither is no sleep is worse. If a performer doesn't sleep, his performance in a game will be poor and can be removed from the team.